Weekly Announcements: 

Pancakes at Preschool!  Everyone is invited to come for a free Pancake and Sausage Breakfast with the preschool on Saturday, February 8th from 8-9:30.  This is a great time to get to know some of the preschoolers and explore their classroom!

Love, Hugs & Prayers:  The Love, Hugs and Prayer group will be meeting on Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 p.m.

Family Game Time:  Sunday, February 16th @ 3:00, bring your favorite game and a snack to share. Whether you prefer the strategy of Euchre or the classic board game Candy Land, come spend some time with your church family and enjoy playing some news games. Some will come to compete, some will come to socialize. All ages are welcome!

Preschoolers sing at church on Sunday, February 23rd.  We would love to once again welcome them with a hot breakfast.  If you are willing to bring something for the breakfast, please sign up on the bulletin board.  Thank you so much for your generosity!

The Act Like Men Woodcutters' Retreat is back February 28-March 1 at Camp CILCA. Hard work, good food, fellowship, and Biblical encouragement to act like men included! Register at: cilca.org/act-like-men-woodcutters-retreat.

Camp CILCA Women's Retreat: Calling all ladies to join us for the Camp CILCA Women's Retreat on March 28-29. The retreat theme is Lean and Learn. Join us as we lean into God's Word, digging into what God says to us, and learn how we live it out in our daily vocation as women. Our speaker is Rehema Kavugha. Rehema is currently the Director of Synod Relations at the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, where she has served since May 2019, she also has been the Director of Student Development at Concordia University Nebraska and a Lutheran music teacher.

Two retreat options are available: 1) Join us overnight for $100 and share a room with two other ladies in Camp CILCA's Christian Growth Center. 2) Select the day-only option for $75. Register online at www.cilca.org/womens-retreat. If you have questions or need help registering, contact Lauren at program@cilca.org.



























